The Zorya

The Zorya are protective goddesses of the Slavs. Though they are an odd example being alternatively known as a Single goddess, two sisters, three sisters, and some even argue up to 5 sisters. Though the latter two are lost to time. They are said to watch the star Polaris to make sure Simargl does not get loose and consume the stars and the earth. They are looked to for protection by various tribes and are associated with the Morning, Evening, and Midnight stars. As a single deity she is said to be married to Perun and pull her veil over warriors in battle to protect them, while as a trio the Zorya are attendants of Dazbog opening the gates for him to enter and leave and then in the lap of Zorya the Midnight Star Dazbog will lay his elderly head down and die only to be reborn the next day as a youthful child and go across the sky again.


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