Putting out a statement

I feel like I need to make a statement about what the Tribe stands for and what we do since I've gotten some odd questions. 

The Greyhorn Pagan Tribe is here to spread knowledge about European paganism and the predecessors of the faith and folk. 

We are about having an open conversation, discussion or debate about faith and spirituality.

We are about respect and about honour.

We DO NOT hate on others here. We DO NOT go along with the nowadays popular "fuck the jews and blacks" rhetoric. If that's your way of thinking, if that's what you feel is right for you, that's cool. But you DO NOT bring it into the Tribe.

We leave politics as far behind as we can.

We leave wokeness as far behind as we can unless they try to change our history and spread their filthy lies.

We do not hate on others so that we may feel better about ourselves.

I understand there are a lot of different people with different beliefs and convictions in the pagan community and I respect that.

If you are a white nationalist, that's cool.

If you are a enlightened master, that's cool.

If you are a newbie on the pagan path, that's cool.

If you are a scholar with heaps of knowledge (a la Survive The Jive), that's cool.

Everyone seeking enlightenment is welcome here. 

Everyone walking the pagan path is welcome here. 

Everyone who wants to find their roots is welcome here. 

Everyone who wants to defend their homeland and their heritage is welcome here. 

Like it says in the group description: nothing is taboo all that is asked is that you keep it civilized.

Thank you for your understanding. 


(Co-founder of the Greyhorn Pagans)  



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