
The Celtic Triskelion symbol predates chrisitanity by about 3,000 years, arising out of La Tène culture and history. It is thought to represent the 3 stages of man (Life, Death, Eternity) and has been alluded to representing the triad of Earth, Sea and Sky.

 Archaeological findings place it in Malta (4400–3600 BC) and in the astronomical calendar at the famous megalithic tomb of Newgrange in Ireland built around 3200 BC. The oldest evidence of triquetras completes the circle back to India. From this, it seems very likely that although no trace of the symbol has been located in the Asian region between India and Europe, tribes who had used it in these two faraway regions had either interacted or interbred somewhere along the line. So it is highly possible that the Aryans and/or other Indo-European tribes brought the triquetra to Europe.


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