The declaration of White Magic (a contagious thought crime) - Jonathan Adampants

 Too many people think of magic as something that exists outside themselves. Know that your tarot cards are just paper. The true instrument is your belief and your relationship to the archetypal symbols which exist within you, embedded in the collective unconscious. The true instrument is you yourself and your human potential is nearly limitless. Man is the bridge between worlds. Between the sacred and the profane. Between above and below.

What people term "God" contains all things yet remains transcendent, just as heat and light are contained as properties of fire, yet neither heat nor light can in itself be said to be fire. Too many people think of "God" as something that exists outside of themselves. You yourself are part of the one true "God" just as light is part of fire. Know that, in a sense, you yourself are "God". Now, as "God" pervades all things there are definite natural laws, and a sacred pattern underlying our reality, unseen yet ever present...This is how magic works. George Gurdjieff once said that miracle (or magic) is not a violation of our earthly law, but simply the laws of higher reality manifesting upon our plane. Man is the microcosm and contains all of reality within him. To follow the Delphic maxim and "know thyself" is to know all. It is given to the man who completes the great work and connects microcosm to macrocosm to effect changes in external reality by creating changes within his internal reality. My method of "creative" magic is to learn as much as I can about natural laws and sympathies, and to ALWAYS live my life as is prescribed for the 24 hours preceding ceremonial magic. I then act spontaneously, completely on intuition, and with total sincerity of belief. This said I don't actually do a lot of ceremonial magic. I believe in working within my own Karma and learning the life lessons pertinent to this incarnation. How can I accomplish this if I go changing things because I can't handle the well worn weight of my considerable karmic debt? Or because I have been unable to successfully harness my base drives of greeding and lust in the service of higher consciousness? That said, I have had great success with what I have done, and I have woven ritual and visualization into nearly every facet of my life… Mostly I am interested in the attainment of higher consciousness rather than in inculcating cause and effect just because I can. I already know that I can, and I know that you can too. Learn to once again imbue your world with wonder… all things are magical to the magus. Many of our greatest modern Mystagogues, including Manly P Hall and Madame Blavatsky, have remarked that ceremonial magic is counter productive to the completion of the great work and dangerous. While receiving temporal power one relinquishes oneself to the forces one "controls". I hold this as basically true. Furthermore, I seek an internal power source, not to manipulate mere natural law. I would be a law unto myself and bend that law to the service of a higher truth… Is this not wisdom? Will under the service of love? Studying the occult view of reality and the cosmogonies of the world one finds a near uniformity of belief, whether one takes Plato's world of forms, or Krisna's metaphor of a tree with its roots in the spiritual sky and it's branches extending into the material plane.(later reflected in the Kabbalah's tree of life) The world of idea and imagination, or the fourth dimension, being unaffected by the ravages of time and closer to the 5th dimension of spirit, is actually much more real than our own plane of mundane matter. Dreams, be they of the day or the night, are not "fake" reality. They are real dreams. Notice that in writing it is non-fiction that has the negative appellation, for non-fiction is but a reflection of a "real" life event, while fiction is a thing in and of itself, a real imagining. (?) Does not all action is preceded by thought. Even subconscious actions are the result of habits born of habitual thought forms that have become part of oneself. From this simple truth I deduce that magic one creates oneself (for the faculty of human imagination is divine) has the potential to be much more powerful than anything one has merely read from a book, for it has a direct connection to the higher realities. Following others is a second hand connection at best (and usually fourth hand ,or fifty fifth hand, or as more often than not the case, six hundred and sixty sixth hand). Plus in following others, as they are your buffer, you are hindered by their own shortcomings. When one delves into the world of magic one is immediately struck by the complete lack of ethics of one's peers. One can simply not afford to trust in the system of "Bakti" (which is devotion) to a temporal guru (master) in this dark age of Kali, in these biblical end times where Adharma rules and the sacred spiritual systems have be spun into spider webs woven to ensnare our best and brightest and bend them to the dark arts. In following another's system and taking a mortal, temporal master, one is functionally hindered by his Adhikara, or as it pertains, his lack thereof. It may be that you get lucky and find a teacher that one can trust with one's essence. I myself would rather succeed or fail on my own steam. If one is to use an established system one must let it breathe as a living thing. For religion can be just as much a tool of mind melded manacles as a system of true spiritual liberation... or mysticism. If you are going to use an established system it must be allowed to grow. It is only the form, not the function. Don't take it (or yourself) to seriously... Know that if you climb the tree of life to attain the forbidden fruit of Gnosis you are going to bend a few branches.. Your thought forms must remain green, or the branches, their brittle bark grown inflexible and dogmatic will break (Madame Blavatsky called it "dead wood dogma" for a reason, for the you are the tree, and verily, the path is inside you.) Too many people invest themselves in a system and then derive ego from their mastery of it... They then do not let it grow, but perceive every deviation as an attack on their sense of self worth.."I am a Christian, I am a Buddhist, I am a Pagan Witch... "but don't bend my ideas... they will break"... Dead wood dogma. I say if this is the case they have mistaken empty form for function and effect for cause, thus their ideas may need to break. It might really be the best thing for them if they are to continue down the spiritual path… We will be seeing quantum leaps in the advancement of our spiritual systems as man grows into his celestial heritage. Many so called "advanced mystics" of the established paths will do anything to prevent this as they derive temporal authority from wielding the knowledge. This is why the modern blinds were built. (the ancient blinds were built to keep the knowledge out of the hands of those self same people who have perverted it for base and selfish ends)... They will try, they cannot stop it however. The Mayan prophecy states that the fourth dimensional sense now blossoming in man will make deception and spiritual enslavement obsolete… I say "I'm going to climb this tree whether you like it or not. I'm going to taste the forbidden fruit in this life or the next… in fact lots of people are going to be climbing "your" ornamental fruit trees... You shouldn't have tried to keep the fruit to yourself and let it wither on the vine. Branches will bend, branches will break, but in the end this will cause the tree to sprout new shoots..." I suppose this sentiment is why I have been banished from the garden of ignorance. Know that one cannot reach the highest levels of consciousness without cultivating one's ethics. Too often the modern magician sacrifices all chances at a future 5th dimensional consciousness, which may take lifetimes, merely to attain 4th dimensional consciousness in the here and now. From my experience in this he is merely following the advice of his superiors. The party line says one must embrace both polarities, what they call the Qlippoth and the Sephira. The right hand path and the left hand path. The party line is that one must embrace atrocity, be it the hidden curriculum of molestation, human sacrifice, and cannibalism that hides behind our once noble esoteric fraternities. That said I am of the belief that modern morality is a right handed system of slave control, applied from without by manacles of fear. Man refrains from doing wrong simply because he fears the consequences. Spirituality is reduced to a blackmail/ bribery system, punishment and reward, of heaven and hell, much too fearful to even be actually appraised, never mind cognisantly questioned… Am I the only one who laid awake at night crying because family and friends were doomed to burn forever in the fires of perdition… for thought crime. So they say, free yourself... Do as thou wilt. I say the cure to slave morality is not immorality, which is just the left handed attack of the self same beast. The system always attacks from both sides at once. A pincer attack of God-Devil, good-evil, Capitalism-Communism, Republican-Democrat...Left or Right... And in case you haven't noticed...judging politics in terms of spatial metaphor has left us nothing save the RIGHT to be LEFT in our cages. The cure for slave morality is not immorality but rather ethics. I define Ethics as being an autonomous system of self control predicated on love and hope...on a direct knowledge of higher realities and a communion with "God". Man has meaning. Heaven and Hell exist within him. As does "God". He refrains from evil because he has empathy, and knows to hurt another is to hurt himself. To enslave another is to enslave oneself. I deem empathy a higher dimensional understanding. Many of you are fitted with a third dimensional understanding of the problem. That is your mind is furnished with an adequate explanation that you are conversant with. You know who is to blame. You know how it's being done. Through a highly tuned Empathy one can by-pass the cold faculty of intellect and simply feel things. Can simply know. You say you know what the problem is, I say let empathy be unconditional and it will be the answer to the problem. Yet the modern magician would manacle his meaning with the fetters of his lower self... and call himself free. I declare such "magic" false, and not because it doesn't work, for I know first hand that it does work, but rather because it is not in harmony with universal truth, and while the magicians I knew were more than mere human, they were also much less. The black magician says he has the power to control others. I say he would do better to control himself, yet do as thou wilt, this is the one thing he is forbidden to do. On the ground level they worship "Baphomet" whom they call the light-bringer, and yet they seemingly know not that Baphomet, as worshiped by the Knights Templar, was actually a Gematric blind for the Goddess Sophia, Goddess of wisdom, who is the mother Isis. Who is Athena. Tritogenia. Merciful Minerva the blessed virgin (and even in her Greek form she was already much degraded by the conspiracy of gender). Her mother, Metis (justice) murdered and her martial aspects reinforced beyond all her higher qualities... (but this is another sermon for another time). Instead they worship the blind. Baphomet, a demon with a goat's head and a caduceus rising from his loins (which, apparently unbeknownst to them, is actually symbolic of the sublimation of the sexual drives to higher consciousness, or "Brahmacarya", how they square this with ritual child molestation???) It is akin to eating an eggshell and throwing away the egg. Or going to a movie theater and leaving when the curtain is drawn. They then pursue the darkness, expecting it to reveal to them the light. And it is said that indeed the light emerged from the darkness. Yet they themselves BECOME the darkness, and while the light emerged from the darkness the darkness understood it not. It's a backwards, reverse Gnosis. Widdershins. Akin to getting a job where you aren't allowed to work unless you are sick. Well...under these terms I don't want to I'm phoning in healthy. For a part of me yearned beyond all else to join a society of honest mystics, risen men and women devoted to establishing a true theocracy..a veritable paradise here on earth. A part of me yearned to serve for the greater good and become a worker bee, to toil away joyfully, distilling the honey of Gnosis for my Queen. This chivalric ideal touched something in my deepest sub-stratum. The noble bee who only attacks to defend its Queen, and is willing to give its life to this end... I longed to put my outlaw past behind me and become part of a greater whole, striving for the greater good. I found out it was expressly forbidden...this striving for the greater good. What I found was a hive of wasps, wearing only the stripes of the noble bee... There was no honey...none at all...and if truth be told I saw no true loyalty either, only a cringing subservience begrudged out of fear and ever present paining... Rather all were committed solely to their own poisoned stingers...and worse, they wanted me to become committed to their stingers as well...I had went looking for Pythagoras. I found John Wayne Gacy. Perversion was the law... and they would call it "magic". I say no. One must not sacrifice others for one's own advancement. The modern magician seems willing to sacrifice anything save his own lower desires. These he holds as sacred beyond all else. We burn fossil fuels because we want to get where we are going as fast as possible. We consider it convenient. Yet is it truly convenient to destroy our earth and pollute our atmosphere to assuage our own impertinent impatience? Is it convenient to bequeath our children a hand-me-down toll of ecological suicide? For, in the end it is they who will be made to pay the price. Modern man seems to say yes. Everyone else is doing it. How you disappoint me my fellow mystics. many of you making a show of recycling and living your "clean" lifestyles while performing abomination. Killing and abusing children. I don't care how "groovy" your garden is. For your human garden is overrun by weeds and you only water the thorns and brambles. God save the fruit bearing plants. In hurting children you are burning spiritual fossil fuels. You are polluting the ether and the crime is much worse than polluting the material plane for the former predicates the latter. You would drain life of all higher meaning and leave a hallowed shell. A Qlippoth. Given the advent of human ingenuity, clean energy is evolving, and if truth be told is now much more efficient, yet our "leaders" continue to smother it and we continue to burn fossil fuels. Why? To follow the dictates of those bent solely upon their own power and convenience. The gas engine is obsolete. A barbaric anachronism fit only for man as beast, and beast to burn. I say the same holds true for black magic That which exists solely through dissolution will never be able to reach the dynamic heights of that which exists through the divine engines of creation. It is true that I may have only seen the bottom feeders, so I look up and I ask "is this how it is?", because, while I may have never seen the heights, here on the ground I can clearly make out the bottom line, and the bottom line says it matters not how nice your chandelier is...if you are sweeping this kind of shit under your rug your living room stinks. To say that the law is love under will, and then to do as you will being the whole of the law.... It is not a creed of communion with the higher realities. It is not in harmony with the world spinning sweetly under our feet, nor with the starry heavens iridescent above... It is not wisdom. That Aleister Crowley brought the Aeon of Horus seems to me something of a sick joke. He brought the Aeon of Set. Even a passing knowledge of Egyptian cosmogony will testify to this fact. It was Set who molested Horus. Think you that noble Horus approves of your abominable appetites? You think he approves of the desecration of his Mother, Wisdom? Have you not read the sacred texts? Your dark lord shall abandon you. For Set has a change of heart. In the end not the magic of mother Isis, nor the verdict of Amen Ra could strip him of his unlawful reign. In the end Set bowed before a higher truth. In the end it is Set's protection that allows Horus to ride the sun chariot across the sky. It is Set who murders the sun eating serpent Apep. I stand here alone, stranded in your garden of weeds... but I if I am alone, I am alone together with my all brothers and sisters who have been dead ended just like me, dead ended by your envy and your greed and your jealous conception of God. I stand here and I proclaim the true face of Horus, who would honor his mother. Who would bow to higher Wisdom. I stand here and proclaim the true face of the Aeon of Horus. Will is the law, will under love. To be as I am is the whole of my law. My starry heritage is a divine responsibility not an irresolute license. Power is not an end in itself, but rather the means to an end...and that end is theocracy, is the imminent kingdom of heaven which is being born right now in the hearts of our children and our dreamers whose function is tomorrow. It is given to the true Mystic to tend ever and always to the communal vibration and to incubate the ascension of his fellow man... Not to sacrifice the lives and the consciousness of others to attain a modicum of cause and effect in the here and now. You would kill me for telling truth? You would shoot the messenger? I am but a broken instrument. You might as well punch my return ticket to Valhalla. I will return. I the Phoenix. I the twice born... But a society that silences it's most prolific dreamers for speaking the truth has little if any future. And the same is true of a society furtively eating its young. True strength is self fulfilled and subordinates itself to those beneath it in order to raise them up. He who would rule in truth must first learn to serve, and all atrocity visited on even the lowest of his subjects is symbolically visited upon him, who must encapsulate the hopes and the dreams of his people. How long have we attempted to "govern" by depressing the people? By keeping them down... True Government affects control through inspiration, and it comes of its own accord. Raise them up through the purity of your intentions, through great works. Is "nobility" not an adjective as well as a noun? it has gone on too long now, a world wound of wither, eating its young. Our children...let them breathe.

Copied from @ministerofpropaganda on Minds


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