Setting the record straight about the afterlife!

Valhalla is the hall of the slain, specifically for warriors who fall in battle. It is not despite what some neo-pagans believe, some sort of heaven. It is just one of many halls that exist among the gods, functioning as a training hall for the Einherjar. Combining both recovery and exertion, to avoid falling in battle again. Most if not all gods have a hall for people to go to, many of Frigg's handmaidens have specific types of people who go to them, Freya also has a hall "Sessrumnir", Forseti has Glitnir, Thor has Bilskirnir, Frigg has Fensalir, Ullr has Ydalir, etc. That is not including the possibility of Hel (Which is not a bad place, just a land of the dead), or being fed to Nidhoggr and being stripped of the reincarnation cycle entirely. The binary of Hel-Valhalla is a modern idea. The importance placed on Valhalla likely comes from the fact that our sources come from the aristocracy which would lend itself to favoring an aristocratic war god in its practices such as Odin.


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