Creation Myth part 4: The Slavs

Part 4 of my creation myth series coming up right now! This time I will cover the Slavic creation story since I want to dive a bit deeper in Slavic paganism and spread more knowledge about it.

So here we go!

The oldest Slavic traditions say that in the beginning there was nothing, there is old-dark, dark sea and sky, the only "existing" thing created by Rod (the forefather of all Slavic gods and of all creation) was a golden egg (again with the egg) in which rested Svarog, the Divine creator.

Under the influence of forces of imbalance the egg cracked open and created a light that shone upon Svarog and created his shadow. From his shadow Crnobog originated and Vodan, god of the sea and the water came from the glare of Svarogos old-sea.

From the top of the egg shell's dust the world tree, ash tree (AGAIN!), was created which rising separated the heavens from the earth and see. 

Svarog, using gold powder from the bottom of the world (lower half of the eggshell), made fire, creating all life, the world, the sun and the moon.

Upon till that point consciousness was all there is but was still unknown to itself. In order to discover its great wholeness it would have to divide itself into dual opposites. Tasked with the mammoth task of helping consciousness discover itself (which is a mammoth task indeed...) Rod decided to bring the world in all being. He created a system of opposites, but not before creating the biggest force there has ever been - love as the means to unite opposing forces (we could all use some more love). It was only through love that harmony could be restored in the world (take note people cause this is true).

So Rod gave life to love, represented by Lada, the goddess of love and primordial mother of all beings. Lada and Rod were not a couple per se, as much as they were co creators (co-parents?) of our realm.

The first system of opposites created by Rod was formed by his two avatars - light and darkness. The Slavs understood that in order for there to be light and love there had to be darkness and death.

(This the very principle of of wholeness. No light without dark, no day without night, no beginning without an end. It is not about the one prevailing over the other but about maintaining the fragile equilibrium. To have balance in the duality)

Rod and Lada then gave life to six (in some tellings, seven) sons and three daughters. These were the primeval gods and goddesses. Unfortunately I could only find the names of one of the the goddesses but their names and tasks were as follows;

(according to Vladimir of Kiev)

- Perun (The God of the sky, thunder and war)

- Dazhbog (Literally meaning "the giver God". Charged with giving out wealth and providing the sun)

- Stribog (The son of Perun and God of winds, air and sky)

- Simargl/Semargl (considered to be Perun's right hand man. The God of fire and fertility

- Mokosh (the Goddess of fate and the protector of women in childbirth)

- Hors (not much is known or written about him, but he is the God of the solar disk. He is also associated with healing and sickness)

- Veles (King of the underworld, harvests and cattle)

As he looked upon his creation Rod was pleased. He had created the forces and cycles that presided over all that has ever existed. The universe was now divided into three worlds;

- PRAV/RULE was the realm of the divine and supreme truth

- JAV/REALITY, the tangible reality in which people live and the world in-between

- NAV/UNDERWORLD, as the home to the lower aspects of existence

That's it! That's how our world and the other realms were created according to Slavic mythology.

Again a lot of similarities with their northern and southern counterparts in many ways. The Golden Egg, the Ash tree and the descriptions of the gods all sound very familiar.

Next up will be the Creation Story according to the Celts! Dedicated to my partner in crime and fellow admin on both the group and here on Blogspot KeeBeeWolf
since she has Irish /Celtic heritage <3.

But for now I thank you for reading this. If you like it why not show some love and share it around! 


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